Thursday 21 September 2017

2012 Vision Quest

in summer 2012 while questing in the forest staring at the stars i had a vision of a great uprising. I saw masses of indigenous people rise up in Canada and the USA.
i saw the great Chiefs of canada form a new political party and take this country by storm, gathering supporters from all walks of life that want a better life for their children and grandchilden and the next 7 generations. i saw all the supporters who will rise for the cause and fairly represent the voices of canadians and our dear mother earth and stand in solidarity as true allies.

i started blasting about it all over the net and was made to feel crazy told it would never happen.
Then shortly thereafter within months, Chief Theresa Spence went on her hunger strike and then Idle No More rose up. 3000 women marched across canada drumming to parliament hill and the Dakota riders rode across the USA to capitol hill. My jaw dropped and i knew Creator  had gifted me with a light and truth to give me hope as this country was falling to ruins around me and i felt helpless as one woman who can only do so much trying to help and take care of who and what i can.

I've been writing Chiefs trying to make contact, trying to drum support all over the place for years and few seem least very few have responded anyway, after multiple attempts at writing letters.
i swear This is an answer. In indigenous cultures before european invasian, nobody got left behind. Tribes lived like the buffalo surrounding the weakest links in nurturing and support and not even the littlest white albino buffalo was taken without a stampede. Give away ceremonies and potlaches were common and the people shared what they had knowing that they belonged to the earth and not the other way around. They knew if they took care of each other it ensured the greatest chance at not only survival but happiness and success.
Imperialists missed this most valuable lesson when they sought to conquer and rule the earth and her children and now is time to truly teach them how to lead a people.

A true leader learns from and feeds, clothes and houses the elders, then educates the children first.
A true leader doesn't forge ahead ignoring the signs and lessons of history, selling out the people and then making them pay for the consequences with higher taxes, student loans and cuts to social infrastructure.
A true leader doesn't take all the pay while his children die in the streets. A true leader gives all they have and lives in modesty to show that sacrifice means taking care of and honoring what it sacred.
A true leader stands behind the people, learning from them and seeing their needs, speaking for them in times of weak knees, making sure nobody falls alone; picking up the pieces and mending the wounds with good counsel and good medicine.

This is the way indigenous people lived and they will be the truest model for the world to heal these defunct political systems that keep people oppressed and in poverty and illness.
One day the Chiefs will form this party. I have to believe. This belief keeps me from dangling myself over niagra falls in dispair and protest for every elder and child that struggles under the boot of tyrrany and greed.
Some days this broken planet seens so utterly hopeless to heal BUT There is always hope- i believe in Creator's plan, I believe in unity and the power of the people.

In my vision I saw it as PUP- Peace Unity Party- a strong and just white wolf leading the pack, a vision birthed from divine inspiration, designed to usher this country into the balance it so truly desires and deserves. i saw it to be a model for the whole world to see and dream to be, a dream we could easily achieve.
Who will be our leaders? Darrell Bob and Mike Leach, great  Chiefs who take care of their people alongside the likes of Chief Phil Lane Jr working to bridge ties between the north and the south as the eagle and the condor becomes fullfilled and many many others that made me weep for joy and gave me hope at Lilloet IILG that a new world is possible.

Who else will rise and stand beside truly great leaders who not only have mastered the politics of the white world but Mastered the medicine of deep Spirituality..exactly what imperialism forgot and why society has become so sick.

Who has good medicine for the people.. RISE UP and take your rightful and righteous place not only as leaders of your clans but as leaders of this country. WE NEED YOU!!!
When this party forms, these traitors and sellouts would be lucky to even be considered allowed to Join.
They (liberal+CONS) have shown they serve little but themselves, and for over a hundred years proven they do not know what leadership, justice and democracy actually means. My grandfather rolls in his grave over and over, i feel his RAGE.

This government is NOT what he fought for which was freedom and equality for ALL people. We know their  corrupt way doesn't work. We have seen the devastation and destruction and now in turn, every day more and more rise to speak out and standup to fight for our future, to help to pave the way for you to take your rightful place.

Tell that LIB to straighten his fancy tie and click his shiny heels together and then say "pipeline, C51,  residential schools" 3 times and if he magically appears in your sweat lodge then Creator has judged his heart righteous. If he does not magically appear, tell him to take the message back to parliament that it's time to surrender their corrupt party to true leadership by the people, for the people and the next u generations.
Tell him to pass the message that we are IDLE NO MORE and we will NOT be stopped. We won't take it by violence but by sheer numbers using our best resources with cunning, and craftiness like the time when brother Raven defeated the evil sky chief and returned the light to the people.

We will empower and educate and fill all those positions and more with righteous allies and then- the shining truth will set us free.

We will gather the provinces and territories and all eyes and ears will see and hear the coming of a new age of restoration and balance illuminated by wisdom and truth, dispelling  all of their dark shadows and bringing hope back to the people.

This is my vision and prayer. Oh Great Spirit make it so.
Aho! All my relations ❤

Long live the big white buffalo.. and the spirit of white buffalo calf woman ushering in the new age of restoration and balance.. we ARE taking back this country by storm..

No more with bows and arrows or guns and bombs..but with books and pens, empowerment with knowledge, truth and not just a love for one but a love for ALL.

We ARE Standing up, marching, protesting, speaking out with voices, songs and letters full of depth, wisdom and intellect, driven by creator's firey passion inside each one of us..

We ARE standing up with voices driven by a love for and responsibility to the next 7 generations. . standing up with a love for all our fallen brothers and sisters.. past, present and future.

THIS country NEEDS new leadership and the Hopi say WE are the ONES we have been waiting for. . it is happening.. WE are HERE.

The summer before the idle no more movement became public i had a vision while staring at the stars, meditating, clearing my mind and centering in my heart..

i saw all the chiefs gathering as one, i saw all the 1st nation's people and their rainbow warrior sympathizers (people of all nations) rising up.. i saw them march across the country and gather at parliament and on capitol hill in Washington. . before it happened.

i saw the chiefs and their people forming a NEW political party. . a party BY the people, FOR the people, like democracy is SUPPOSED TO BE..

i saw them form a party WORTH voting for. i saw the chiefs form a party both my grandfathers (who got legs shot off in WW11 and were then abandoned by their OWN WHITE GREEDY governments and left with little but poverty and broken promises) would be proud to vote for.

i saw the current leadership overthrown by the brilliant, blinding truth and i saw canada and the world in turn, being TRULY ushered into a new age, with white buffalo calf woman, her herd of White Buffalo and masses of people from all ways and walks of life leading the way with a message of peace and hope for all people.

I have seen the white buffalo herd in real life in oregon in 2009. They are already here and when i visited them i learned from their keeper that one of them was born on my birthday May 4th; That date which also happened to be the keeper's wedding anniversary.

I learned then that her husband had sadly passed away the winter before but the following spring a white buffalo was born to the herd on that very day. May 4th. It was that buffalo that gave me the second half of my name and told me that white buffalo calf woman is coming.. the time is coming. These buffalo are not genetically modified or any part cow like other "white buffalo" that have occasionally appeared here and there. . each one of them is rare and sacred.

This herd of white buffalo are 100% genetically tested and proven to be american bison. I have seen the proof with my own eyes, smelled them with my own nose, i have touched them with my own hands and heard them speak and sing into my own heart.

They are born dark like normal buffalo and then turn colors and end up white just as white buffalo calf woman changed the colors of the medicine wheel as she transformed back into a buffalo and disappeared from the lakota, leaving only medicine bundle and a promise that one day she would return.
The time is NOW. Their herd already exceeds the number prophesized and they merely await their masses to usher in this new age that is upon us.

In my vision i saw this new age where our children and elders are honored as this country's greatest resource. . not oil not gold not trees..

i saw lifted up, those most vulnerable in our society who have severely undervalued potential under the past and present leaderships; Potential that with the right leadership, could be developed to offer infinitely more benefits to society than they are able or allowed to develop living in this current system of slavery and oppression.

i saw a new age where all men, women and children are TRULY born equal and not stomped under the boot of imperialism, capitalism, marginalization and greed.

i saw a new age where people hunger and thirst no more, where nobody gets left behind or washed up along the wayside.

i saw a new age where we rise above multiple generations of abuses by the church and the government. .and realize we are stronger and wiser and more capable of achieving this dream than ever before.
i saw the new age of balance and restoration and it absolutely blew my mind..

it psyched me up so heavily that i i went nuts with excitement, posting my vision in every public forum i could think of. I went to gatherings and talked to as many as i could..

most laughed, turned away and saw me as a lunatic.. it'll never happen they said. Many, echoed fears that many chiefs are just as money and power hungry as the ones already holding the power. Look at Canada's reservations, look at the rich chiefs who allow their people to starve they said. NO i said, i refuse to believe that. THOSE ARE LIES CREATED TO DECEIVE US FROM THE TRUTH.

Others told me that i would never be heard or recognized by the first nation's people. I refused to believe them and kept on my medicine path and i know those words were not coming from them or their hearts but from dark wolves and spirits that operate on pain, fear and belittling..

i am not afraid of dark spirits or wolves, hungry cougars or angry bears. i ROARRR in the face of danger and dare for them to make me a martyr because i will come back lifetime after lifetime, each one stronger, louder and wiser than before. I am not afraid of the consequences or the government and i don't need to be recognized by anyone but my creator to make this promise that i won't back down, that i will die trying if necessary.

The truth will set us free, the white wolf will perserve and triumph over darkness, dispelling the shadows with love, compassion and empathy and WE WILL see our new age come to fruition.
The centuries of peace pipe dreams and the answers to all those prayers ARE happening..
Not long after my vision, a matter of months, the idle no more movement was born and the people did march across the nations.

The dakota riders road to capitol hill in the USA and chief Theresa Spence went on her hunger strike in canada. And then the people marched across canada too. And they are STILL marching.. and growing in numbers and support every day.
Great spirit is very alive in me and has given me gifts to help be a bridge between worlds. i have fought through some of the darkest hells and gained empathy and compassion and a fierce desire to be of service to protect and be a voice for those most vulnerable in this society. I have suffered with you all, a lifetime of oppression and persecution at the hands of the government and the church and ONLY by the grace of creator and my guides, have I not only survived, but persevered and I am DEVOTED to this cause.
The best thing about how much they've oppressed us is the FORCE to be reckoned with they have created, rising up inside of us, ready to cleanse these corrupt systems with passionfires of purification.
we ARE rising..we will continue to rise.. we will shout from the tree and mountain tops and gather our nations, our brothers, sisters, grandmothers, grandfathers, aunties, uncles, friends, neighbors and everyone who will listen and fight harder than any generation before or after. we have the tools to do it.. everything we need is already here.
we will harness creator's power and passion and we will bring about a storm like no other before it.
This country, this planet, belongs NOT to the 1% that hoard all of the resources but to creator, great spirit, who has left it for the people, the animals, the earth spirits and stewards. . it belongs to everyone who has ever suffered at the hands of tyranny and oppression and soon.. it will be protected and shared the way it was created to be.

Don't be afraid to speak, to sing, to dance, to drum, Don't be afraid to carry your traditional names.. Don't be afraid to be metaphorically nailed to a cross trying to make the world a better place. Every effort counts and makes a difference.
Dont be afraid to tell your stories, your family and tribal histories and speak your traditional languages.
Don't be afraid for the future.. the future is ours and it is happening as promised.
bigBIG ULLU LOVE 2 ALL.. Thank YOU for honoring the ways of the mother and our creator. Thank you for carrying your names and inspiring what i have just wrote to you. without u i am but a feather in the wind. YOU have given me inspiration and words to be inspired by.
Thank you for all your suffering and your family's suffering..

Creator promises that none of it is in vain. Our cries and prayers are heard and carried on the winds, down the rivers, into the oceans, from peace pipes, burning sage and sweetgrass and are sent and carried up to the sky.. Creator promises help is on the way and begs us to have faith. to believe the greater good will prevail.

A tiny seed of faith can move mountains. . this is what we have been promised. With faith like mountains i have seen how we can fully achieve our dream in no more than 3 generations. I believe in YOU, i believe in white buffalo calf woman and i believe in Creator's promises.
Don't give up. Stay 4EVER BRAVE.
Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin. All My Relations. Namaste. Kukstemc.

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